Diary of Rev. George Gary — III
331 ship ; the preacher took occasion to point out the right- eousness which exalts a nation and also some of the sins which are a reproach to any people, intemperance, Sab- bath breaking, licentiousness. Monday, 7. Busy writing to friends in the states. Tuesday, 8. This day I am fifty three years old. Time, it flies ; serious thought ; surely, all that I do must be done quickly. We are using our pens to inform our distant friends of our health and welfare. Friday, 4. There is a strong effort to do away the temperance law ; in the legislature now in session. Saturday, 12. Seal up my letters for the states; 2 sheets to secy; 1 Wm. Armitage for I. Stone; 54 1 Geo. Gary, Jr., 1 C. W. Leet; 1 M. Adams, 1 A. J. Skilton. Sunday, 13. A little snow this morning, so that on boards and the roofs of buildings it appears white like quite a white frost. The first snow we have seen this season. Monday, 14. More snow again this morning, a very little more than there was yesterday morning. Wednesday, 16. We are having very dark and rainy weather. Thursday, 17. The sun smiles upon us again, an un- common event these days. Sad day in the history of legislation in this territory. The license law comes into being. Our hope is in the veto of the governor. I am informed he will veto it. Saturday, 17. The license law passes by a majority of two thirds of the legislature, in defiance of the gov- ernor's veto. 55 King Alcohol has a legal being here now, and people may get drunk, I suppose, according to law. 54 This letter to Isaac Stone bears the address of Mr. William Armi- tage, Vernon, Oneida County, New York, with an endorsement requesting the latter to deliver it to Stone. It speaks of receipt of news of the bound- ary settlement, describes the Mission at The Dalles, and expresses the longing of the writer to return East. The MSS. is in the possession of Oregon Historical Society. 55 See address of J. Quinn Thornton before the Pioneer Ass'n, 1875.