Chakles Henry Carey Friday, 2. % past 8, J. L. Parrish preaches a pass- able sermon; about thirty hearers. Last night a little after midnight, Mrs. Fletcher 46 gave birth to a fine boy in a tent on the ground; I suppose there was not time enough for her to be taken to her house about a mile and a half off; so the camp ground became the place of this child's nativity. Well that Doct. Wilson 47 was on the ground. V2 10 a. m. the supt. preached. The spirit of the meeting is very good. 2 p. m., W. H. Wilson preached a good sermon for him. Evening, Bro. Helm gave an excellent sermon. Saturday, 3. % 8 D. Leslie gave us a good sermon, with very good effect. A gracious spirit prevails. V2 10 J. L. Parrish contributed to the interest of the meeting in giving a tolerably good sermon. 2 p. m. Supt. preached. The official members met and we had, I trust, a profit- able quarterly conference. Even J. L. Judson 48 preached a good sermon. This man is quite a preacher; but — Bro. Leslie followed with an exhortation in good season and of good effect. Perhaps a dozen forward for pray- ers. Five experienced religion, I believe. Sabbath, 4. In the morning, a speaking meeting love feast like — an excellent spirit prevailing. 10 a. m. Supt. preached and administered the holy communion. About fifty communicants. In the congregation about 180 per- sons, one third of them females. Perhaps this is about the proportion of males and females in this community. My opinion is, if there were a larger proportion of fe- males in this population (I mean white females,) it would be better for this community. The appearance of the ladies is respectable, and I have no doubt but their re- spectable appearance has a happy effect, upon the rough- er part of this population. Surely it is good that woman has a place in this society. 3 p. m., Bro. Helm gave us a 46 Wife of Francis Fletcher, who came with the Peoria party, 1840. 47 Dr. W. H. Willson, a member of the Mission party of 1837. 4 «L. H. Judson.