Charles Henry Carey Mr. Spaulding (this country currency) for $15.34, which the Dalls station owed said Mr. Spaulding. Sunday, 28. Mr. Spaulding preached to us against Romanism. We all attended ; he had with him two white men, so he had eight hearers; quite a congregation. Monday, 29. Mr. Spaulding is still with us. It is my opinion from his communications that the Indians in his j mission are in a more unpromising condition than these about us. Romanism is dividing those most painfully ; it has as yet nothing to do with these ; but I presume fifty blankets from the Roman Catholics among these would induce three-fourths of them to tell us they wished us to go away. It is my opinion unless some government manages here beside the Oregon government within a very few years (say five) all the Protestant missions will have to be given up which are now established among the Indians. If the government of the U. S. is extended here, or perhaps the British Colonial government, the Romanists will be less assuming; but without some such check, they will in their way convert the natives of this land by show, pictures, and favoriteism in a few years; at present all the influence (which is great) of the Hud- son Bay Company is in favor of Romanism as far as the natives are concerned, because they are able in this way to keep them in such a train as in case of a rupture be- tween the governments of Great Briton and the United States of America, they, the natives, may be used with all their savage barbarity in the British cause. Tuesday, 30. Mr. Spaulding leaves us this morning at about half past eight (Send letters to D. Leslie and J. L. Parrish). The corn is mostly tasseled, and some of these are in bloom; silk as it is called may be seen every now and then, where the ears are forming. [1846] Wednesday, July 1. Today, the Walla Walla chief 37 calls on us; he has started for California where his son (Elijah Hedding) was killed nearly two years 37 Chief Peu Peu Mox Mox.