Charles Henry Carey way is to pull up the weeds. I take hold and pull about two hours with Bros. Brewer and Waller. This field of potatoes looks like the field of the slothful. The farming department here is wanting in energy. Thursday, 11. About a dozen natives male and female are pulling weeds with Bro. Brewer in the potatoe field. Friday, 12. The company are still at it; exterminat- ing the weeds from among the potatoes. It is my opinion there are but few places in the states where living is cheaper than in this place (Wascopam), clothing ex- cepted. The Indians are here this morning to sell salmon and are anxious to sell good salmon that will weigh probably thirty pounds, for small articles like fish hooks or something of the kind so that a good salmon will not at any rate cost the purchaser six cents — and yet they are slow in buying. Sunday, 14. Our Sabbaths are lonely in some re- spects. Bros. Waller and Brewer are away among the Indians, holding meetings. I am left here with these women and more than half a dozen children (not the best governed) ; when I attempt to preach to this small company, it takes two-thirds of my hearers to keep the children any way tolerable; under these circumstances, I conclude to have no meeting until evening. Evening has come and no one has said anything about my preach- ing. Sister Waller is in her part of the house, so now there are five of us at meeting. I open the meeting by giving out a hymn and praying, with the purpose to preach provided they rise from their knees after the first prayer, but I shall take it for granted it is to be a prayer meeting if they remain on their knees until someone be- gins to pray, and so it is. Tuesday, 16. A fine moderate rain this morning, unusual in this season of the year. The Indian Ellis left sick is very sick; he is in the school house. Bros. Waller and Brewer start this day to visit a petrified stump east of DeChutes river.