Diary of Rev. George Gary — III
287 them we learn, however, Doct. Janos and L. L. Hamline were elected bishops of the Methodist Episcopal church at the general conference for 1844. Also a vote touching slavery in reference to Bishop Andrew passed said gen- eral conference; yeas, 110; nays 68. Slavery can never expect that the general conference of the Methodist Epis- copal church will cordially recognize the various and im- portant duties connected with the general superintend- ency of said church as performed by a man embarrased with American slavery. Saturday, 26. Busy in reading papers from the states. Sunday, 27. We have in our meeting today about 20 Indians (Nez Perces) from the upper country. Fine looking men. They are from Mr. Spaulding's mission, now in this place on business. Tuesday, 29. Rode about four miles to Mr. Hatch's. [1845] Friday, August 1. Returned to Bro. Hines'. Gave an order on Dr. McLaughlin for $825.00, the amount of passage of Doct. Babcock and Mr. Perkins and families from Columbia river to Honolulu. Saturday, 2. For a few days, we have been in great suspense about whether Bro. Hines will start for the states this fall or whether he will stay and let us return. This morning it is settled, Bro. Hines is to return; we probably shall remain in this land another year. Tuesday, 5. G. E. Garrison 19 this day presents an account against the mission school for $261.00 for teach- ing. No small item to be overlooked in the settlement with the school expenses. Very much in character with Mr. Campbell's careless way of doing business. Thursday, 7. Busy writing to send to the states. We keep writing to our friends though we receive so little from them. Sunday, 10. 20 hearers. Monday, 11. Today busy in arranging various mat- ters in reference to settling with Bro. Hines. 19 Probably J. W. Garrison.