Charles Henry Carey vert thousands of acres into the appearance of a sea. D. Leslie, wife, and William Abernethy return. Friday, 13. Doct. Whitman, from the Presbyterian mission, visits us. Our interview is a short one. Perhaps I cannot give an opinion concerning him; upon but one point with safety, and that is that he is not a slow or small talker. Saturday, 14. We ride up the Sandyam a few miles to see the country and gather strawberries. Sunday, 15. Have meeting at Mr. Campbell's. Tuesday, 17. We return to Bro. Leslie's. Kill a rattle snake on our way and see at different times bounding deer. I do not think we have seen in this short tour a half a dozen Indians; comparatively speaking, there are no Indians, or at least very few, in this Williamette por- tion of the country. We have had very fine weather and in every respect a pleasant time in this town. On Satur- day evening, I was weighed ; weigh 166 pounds, about 25 pounds larger than I was in the state of New York. I am getting to be a great man. Wednesday, 18. Visited at Mr. Holman's in company with D. Leslie and wife, and G. Hines and wife. Thursday, 19. Our company took dinner at Mr. Haux- hurst's. We had an excellent dinner ; Mrs. H. is a native. At our dinner, we have good new potatoes and good boiled cabbage, this year's growth. Oregon is really a goodly land. Friday, 20. We are having warm, dry weather; the dry season has commenced ; There is but little dew in the night in the dry part of the year in this country. Sunday, 22. Meeting at the Institute ; perhaps forty persons present; more than half under fourteen years of age. How enchanting a quarterly meeting on some circuit in Herkimer district would be. Monday, 23. They are in great trouble, as near as I can guess, at the Institute. Mr. Raymond, who keeps the boarding hall, has whipped one of the scholars, unreason-