Charles Abner Howard ENROLLMENT IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS^ 1890 1. Massachusetts 2. Kansas 3. Oregon 4. Indiana 5. Washington ... 6. Pennsylvania . United States... x _v 3 On . 187 . 104 9 . 117 . 11 . 116 .2,773 ■3« 19,467 6,362 566 8,560 693 12,417 211,596 Ph 75 16 17 18 18 105 1,714 HOD 5,100 687 848 955 791 7,347 98,400 24,567 7,049 1,414 9,515 1,484 19,764 309,996 BQ ft 10.97 4.94 4.50 4.34 4.25 3.76 4.95 1900 1910 be Ofj _^ o £ 1 79 90 40 90 47 63 69 1. Massachusetts 241 38,314 96 5,935 44,359 15.77 87 2. Indiana . 390 26,755 29 2,446 29.401 11.60 91 3. Kansas 223 15,638 12 841 16,479 11.02 95 4. Oregon 34 2,639 16 832 3,471 8.39 75 5. Washington .. 74 3,692 15 643 4,335 8.37 85 6. Pennsylvania .. .. 391 32,438 137 11,236 43,674 6.93 74 United States ..6,318 541,730 1,892 108,226 649,956 8.53 83 1. Massachusetts .. 224 58,586 95 7,462 66,048 19.62 89 2. Washington 161 20,109 21 910 21,019 17.54 96 3. Indiana 579 43,917 29 2,030 45,947 17.01 95 4. Kansas ... 363 27,594 22 992 28,586 16.90 96 5. Oregon 115 9,879 19 1,147 11,026 16.53 90 6. Pennsylvania . ... 827 69,691 123 10,810 80,501 10.50 87 United States... .10,234 984,677 1,979 130,649 1,115,326 12.13 88 In this table, the states are arranged in the order of number of secondary students per 1,000 population. The figures show a much better state of affairs in Oregon so 23 The figures on number of secondary schools and enrollment are taken from reports of the United States Commissioner of Education The number of students per 100 population were figured on the basis of the United States Census.