Diary of Rev. George H. Gary
181 how good our dear friends, the writers of them are ; they are George, Jim and Catharine Gary, Aaron, Adam, Cath- arine Miller; George Lane and Lydia Lane. In the even- ing we receive the Nos. of the Christian Advocate and Journal from the time of our leaving up to April 3, 1844. Never did this paper appear half so interesting before; any item of news concerning our dear country, our dearly beloved Zion; distinguished individuals connected with the Methodist E. church, &c &c; how important to us; these papers and letters seem to put us in the states in our feelings and interests for a season. Friday, 6. Papers and letters; letters and papers, we are feasting. Saturday, 7. The leading topic of consultation in this mission with me, now, is what is the best arrangements to make with the debts due the mission. Sunday, 8. Today meeting as usual ; preach to about a dozen hearers ; This day I am fifty one years old. Time is short ; I purpose to keep on the look out for the serious and important summons and hope to be ready. Oh, may it be so. Monday, 9. I am in no small difficulty to determine what is best to do with the debts due the mission. I think Mr. Abernethy would be glad to buy them, but I do not feel they would be exactly safe in his hands. I fear he never would be able to meet the payments. He may be an excellent accountant, probably is ; but if I mis- take not, something more is needed in this country to make the liabilities of a merchant sure. I hope we may be able to sell these debts in some safe way so as not to have the protracted care and trouble of their collection. I am satisfied there never should have been such an amount trusted out to almost everybody in this territory. Tuesday, 10. Finds me reading the Advocates lately received. I feel a great interest in the safety and pros- perity of the Methodist E. church, and consequently great solicitude in the doings of the general conference for