Diary of Rev. George H. Gary
177 freely and plainly as I otherwise would do. I am desir- ous, if possible, to get him safely to the states. I am satisfied there is not the agreement and harmony of feel- ing among the members of the church here there ought to be. I think disagreement and disunion have for a long time been felt in this mission. And I am at an entire loss what to do to promote the spiritual interests of this people. Thursday, 31. Never was I more lost in knowing what is best to do than I am at the present time. I will wait and watch if happily some opening may present itself. [1844] Tuesday, November 5. Give an order on Dr. McLaughlin, $5.84 to H. K. W. Perkins. Wednesday, 6. Today Mr. Perkins leaves Willamette Falls; has been at Bro. Hines, he and his family, five weeks. Saturday, 9. Finish letters and papers to the board and others in the states. Letters sent to Z. Paddock, 1 ; G. Lane, 1 ; treasurer, 1 ; R. Soule, 1 ; E. Whipple, 1 ; I. S. Rogers, 1; W. Semitage, 1; G. Baker, 1; Moses, Adam and Aaron, 5 sheets ; a long and full account to the secre- tary. Sunday, 10. About 20 hearers. Monday, 11. Doct. Babcock and family leave for Fort VanCouver, and also for the states. He apparently leaves in a favorable state of feeling ; I think his interview with the board will be highly appreciated by the board. Tuesday, 12. Write to the board a copy of Dr. Mc- Laughlin's bond for the city lots to the mission, that they may more fully see the ground on which I stood in the sale of these lots to Dr. McLaughlin. Wednesday, 13. Having written so much lately, I suffered considerable pain in my breast. Thursday, 14. Busy in reading Mrs. Record's lec- tures on the philosophy of the mind. Friday, 15. Yet reading Mrs. Record's. I am shut