Charles Henry Carey I get the right idea. Under the former business manage- ments, the prejudice of community was this mission was of a speculative and monopolizing character. Now as our business closes up and it is difficult to get mission drafts from us, we are ruining the country. Formerly when an emigrant came or anyone and wanted employ, the mission had it for him at a high price, and he soon could get a draft and everything went very fine. Now the mission has little or no employ of this kind and there is no person to give them employ who will or can pay in a draft. Almost everyone, or at least quite a proportion of those who have been in this region for two or more years and are well off have received their foundation or start from the mission. The news of this has spread and people have lately come and doubtless are now coming with the expectation the Methodist mission at any rate will be glad to employ them; but finding it otherwise, they are seriously disappointed. So you see the mission has the curses or rather their superintendent's, Bro. Lee, for monopoly and speculation; his successor for this sudden shock and revulsion in business. It is my opinion that there is and will be so much said on this change of opera- tions here that as soon as everything is fairly and fully arranged my ministry, if any use, will be of more in some other post of work than here. Our Sandwich Islands [Islanders ?] cost us ten dollars per month. They may now be had for six. If the board at home will counte- nance our drawing say $15,000 annually, I think the busi- ness part of this people will soon be better pleased with us than they have been for some time. Monday, 27. Saturday evening, Bro. Perkins pro- posed to Bro. Hines to change with him so that Bro. Hines would go to the states and he remain and take Bro. Hines' station. Mystery upon Mystery. After all Bro. Perkins' goodness, it is but the development of human frailty and weakness; and I fear a predisposition to in- sanity. These fears prevent my talking with him as