DIARY OF REVEREND GEORGE H. GARY.— II. Notes by Charles Henry Carey 1844. July 20. I have drawn on the treasurer this day for $100 for an old draft by J. Lee to Dr. Babcock, dated Aug. 9, 1842, as a duplicate was wanted. None given originally. I took the old one ; drew a new one, also same date for $500 more to pay Dr. Babcock in part his salary this year. This last draft, 30 days after sight, July 23, draft to pay for Mr. Lee's passage and discount on the bill from the Columbia River to Sandwich Islands last fall or winter, which had been advanced by Ladd & Co. for $215, ten days after sight. Another draft July 23, 1844 for Mr. Waller and family's passage from Co- lumbia River to Sandwich Islands, $210, at ten days after sight. Also another draft for Mr. Waller to obtain pass- age from the Islands to the states for $700 at thirty days after sight. Bro. Waller also receives $100 specie from me to help himself at the Islands in case he should be detained there. Bro. Waller for himself and family has received as an outfit from our donation goods to the amount of perhaps nearly eighty dollars ; these are given him as an outfit without being charged as salary or table expenses. We have to hurry him off with great haste in order to save this chance of sailing to the Islands. He will take a certificate from Mr. Abernethy, setting forth his due from the mission, which I suppose you will pay. The reason there is so much due him is he has sold sundry things and made them payable to Mr. Abernethy, and when paid, the avails are to go into the mission funds here, and he has enough unsold property to make these debts sure and abundantly good. His return home is sudden and we deem it proper to aid him all we consist- ently can; and feel ourselves perfectly safe in the ar- rangement. Though I have sold considerable property