F. W. HOWAY Owners in which they are most sincerely join'd by your & their most obliged and most devoted Servants John Hoskins for self and Robert Gray h r k k — Sea otters y k k k — Land furs Joseph Barrell Esq r . The next letter in the series is identical with the above down to the word "troublesome" in the fourth para- graph, except that it is dated from Naspautee. 14 It car- ries the endorsement "Original P. Capt James Magee." St. Lorenzo Nootka Sound Aug* 21 1792. Sir No doubt you will be surprised, at hearing of us from this place, when your orders so positively forbad going to any Spanish port, but in case of distress, w h I am sorry to say, is the cause of our putting in here. On the 27th of June last, in Latitude 52°30'N°. Longitude 130°36' West the Ship struck on a rock, 15 which made her leak so much, as to keep one pump a going; in this situation we made a harbour near to Woody point, where the ship was haul'd ashore ; there was a considerable sheathing knock'd of the starboard bilge, and the plank broke through in two places; the lower part of the stem & forward part of the keel were shatter'd to pieces. The Carpenter in- formed he could do nothing with the stem & keel, until the Ship was unloaded & laid on blocks; that he must take the damaged parts out & put in new. The Carpen- ter repaired the bilge, spik'd the shatter'd stem together, sheath'd & cauhVd it over. This being done we saiPd for 14 Nesparte Inlet, in which was situate Columbia's Cove on the west coast of Vancouver Island. 15 See further as regards this accident the Boit Journal in this Quar- terly, Vol. xxii, p. 319, and note thereon.