F. W. HOWAY Caswell which we decently interr'd. — Capt Ingraham 9 has arriv'd safe on the Coast, about the same time we did. The Officers requests their particular respects to you & the Gentlemen of the Concern'd We are Sir with all respects Yours most hbl Servts Robert Gray John Hoskins P, S. Sir, you'l please to let my mama know that I am well. Mr. Boit also requests you'l let his parent know he is in health. Joseph Barrell Esqr. Ship Columbia Washington's Islands Latitude 53°5' North, 22 d August 1791 Sir We wrote you a few days since by Capt Adamson, 10 and now embrace this by Capt Ingraham. We arrived safe on this Coast about three months ago, and have done every thing possible for the concern'd. In the Latitude of 55°30' north we were so unfortunate as to loose our second mate Joshua Caswell & two of our men, who were massacreed by the natives. As yet we have not built the Sloop, 11 nor do we intend it 'till we go into winter quar- ters ; we expect to start early with her in the spring and will endeavour to shorten our voyage as much as possible. Depend nothing will be wanting on our part to do every thing in our power for the concern'd — the Gentlemen re- quests their respects to you & the Gentlemen of the con- cern'd — with whom join your & their 9 The master of the Hope of Boston, which sailed on 16th September 1790 and reached Queen Charlotte Islands on 29th June 1791. 10 Adamson was in charge of the tender to the Hancock. Hoskins in his Narrative says: "It was with the greatest pleasure I embraced this opportunity to write to Mr. Barrell our principal owner." 11 The Adventure built at Clayoquot Sound, Vancouver Island, and launched the 22d February 1792. See the next letter, and also Boit's Journal in this Quarterly, Vol. xxii, pp. 292, 294, 301, 302.