Northwest Trader Hawaiian Islands 121
with the Jackal and the Prince Lee Boo. From Canton he departed February 24, 1794, for the American coast, where he arrived June 30 in the vicinity of Mount Fair- weather, Alaska. 21 The trading season having been spent in the usual traffic for furs, Captain Brown took his de- parture from the coast in the fall of that year for his third and fatal last visit to the Hawaiian Islands. It is impossible to state with certainty just when he arrived there He was at Nootka Sound October 5, 1794, 22 and therefore could not have reached the islands much before the first of November. An apparently reliable authority 2 " states that he anchored in Fairhaven harbor [Honolulu] November 21, 1794, with the Jackal, under his own com- mand, and the Prince Lee Boo, under Captain Gordon. Of the tragical events of the next six weeks, centering about the death of Captains Kendrick, Brown and Gor- don I have before me no less than six accounts which give internal evidence of having been independently writ- ten These are: (1) the journal of John Bolt, 24 who received his information from John Young at the island of Hawaii in October, 1795; (2) an extract from the manuscript work of Rev. S. Greatheed, 25 who describes ^ncouver, op. cit., V, 354-355 ; New Vancouver Journal (MS ) , loc. cit Bok therefore, is clearly in error in stating "that in Febuary 1/94, Cant Brown anchored in Fairhaven harbour, Isle of Whoahoo with two Sloops John Boit, Jr., Journal of a Voyage Round the Globe (MS) entry for Oct. 16, 1795. A photostat copy of the Hawaiian por- tion of this journal is in 'the very valuable library of Haw an an a col letted hv former Governor George R. Carter and now, through the gift of Mr. Carter ™£e property of thi Hawaiian Mission Children's Society, Hono- 1U ls™^ work on the Sandwich Island. .quoted in the Honolulu Friend, June, 1862. In the Friend it is stated that this work ^as probably written about the commen cement of the present [19th] century, as the latest date mentioned in it is 1796 LTh • ^thorj was a founder and one of the most active members of the London Mis Inarv Society,' and Editor of the Eclectic Review. We infer, from remarks in the^work, that it was written for the purpose of proving the Sibil ty of establishing a Mission at our Islands. He appears to have consulted in addition to published voyages, several persons who had S our Islands, and consequently furnishes original information. 24 Supra, note 21. 25 Supra, note 23.