Charles Henry Carey McLaughlin influence. Toward evening the Secretary presented me with the following: "Oregon City, 19th July, 1844. Rev. G. Gary: I have to inform you that, at a public meeting of the citi- zens of this place, of which Mr Lovejoy was Chairman and J. E. Long, Secretary, the following resolutions were passed * "Resolved, 1. That the Secretary be requested to apply to Rev. George Gary for permission to copy the minutes of the trial of A. F. Waller, for the information of this meeting. "Resolved, 2. That when said minutes are obtained, each witness be allowed to place his signature to his own statement." Signed by Chairman and Secretary. I took the letter from the Secretary and read it and replied orally. This was a Church concern and the evi- dence was taken to be sent to the proper authorities of the church. If he or the public meeting wanted a copy of the minutes, they must apply to the proper judicators of the church for it, which would be the annual confer- ence of which Mr Waller is a member. I also told him I thought it was not courteous in the public to intermeddle with the affairs and business of the church. This people may think age has some stubbornness about it. Some of our friends were for attending this public meeting to explain and vindicate our course, but my advice was to take no notice of it. Pay attention to our business and let them alone. This advice was followed and I think the members of this public meeting will not retain the recollection of this meeting and their very important resolutions with a great deal of self -congratulation. Fri. 26. Rest and quietude are in good season and very refreshing. Sat. 27. Spent this day in counsel with Mr Burnett, 15 from the states, now an inhabitant of this territory, in reference to the papers necessary to pass in the sales we is Peter H. Burnett.