of the Oregon Historical Society Volume XXIV MARCH, 1923 Number 1 Copyright, 1923, by the Oregon Historical Society The Quarterly disavows responsibility for the positions taken by contributors to its pages. CONTENTS Pages Joseph J. Hill — Ewing Young in the Fur Trade of the Far Southwest, 1822-1834 1-35 Fred Lockley — Recollections of Benjamin Franklin Bonney - 36-55 George H. Himes — First Newspapers of Southern Oregon and Their Editors --------- 56-67 Documentary — Diary of Reverend George Gary; Introduction and Notes by Charles Henry Carey ------ 68-105 Letter of Peter H. Burnett (1844) ----- 105-108 Purchases of Fine Stock for Oregon (1871-2), from Western Farmer - -- -- -- -- 108-109 PRICE: FIFTY CENTS PER NUMBER, TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR Entered at the post office at Portland, Oregon, as second-class matter