Diary of Rev. George Gary
87 wide, three stories high, with two wings 24 feet square. A noble edifice in appearance, it is not finished, the cor- nice is not on, weather-boards not on ; it will, doubtless cost more than two thousand dollars. It will take more than two thousand dollars to finish it? It is decaying for the want of some more labor on it. It has probably cost the Mission now from eight to ten thousand dollars. It will take more than two thousand dollars to finish it. What shall be done? There are no adult Indians in the Williamette part of the territory that appear to lead a religious life, not one in society. A few of the children in school profess religion, but the consistency of their profession depends greatly upon the religious excitement for the time being. This day I received the following exhibit of school for sixty days past from the teacher, which I suppose about the ordinary state of the school. Male children: Benjm. Roberts Present Enoch Mudge Francis Hall G. R. Carter Ion Tuttle Jason Lee Jared Pickins John Hall John Mudge Edgar Spaulding Jos. Shangaster [Shangarati] Thomas Mitchell Osman Baker Peter Akers David Wm. Sutton Thomas Adams Peter Andersen Angelica Carpenter Quimmo Elizabeth Atwell Mary Ann Bastinette Nancy Baker 29 days Absent 30 29 30 29 31 36 24 13 47 9 (Run away.) 12 Absent 48 59 1 12 48 20 40 11 49 39 (Lately Admitted) 16 Absent 44 57 3 59 1 59 1 0 60 0 60 49 11 13 47 57 3 3 (taken away.) 56 4