ment at Astoria in 1811. Harmon distinctly states that they were established in 1806, the American Fur Company was only formed in 1810 and were erecting their Fort in August 1811 when Thomson went there from one of the North-West Company's posts in the Interior. Lewis and Clarke had been down the Columbia in 1805 and returned in 1806 the natives on their route had many European articles but McKenzie had crossed the mountains and proceeded to the sea in 1793 and Thompson further south in 1802 at which time he was I understand on one of the tributary streams of the Columbia. From Meares' Memorial it appears that certain merchants under the immediate protection of the East India Company fitted out ships in the year 1786, and and traded with the natives between the Lat. of 60 and 45.30, and obtained from the Chief of the District surrounding Port Cox and Port Effingham in Lat. 45 and 49, promise of free and exclusive trade with leave to build on the land, and purchased from another a tract of land. I likewise inclose for your information copy of a statement relative to the Columbia River and Territories connected therewith drawn up in 1815 at the request of Sir Gordon DrumIt was sent me in 1822 by Mr. Simon McGillivray if there is any other information that you require I shall be happy to furnish it as far as I am able and shall feel obliged if you will allow me an audience any morning either this or the fol-
lowing week except Thursday. I am, Dear Sir, Your faithful
obedt. servt.
Q. State the date (the year if possible) when any party or individuals belonging to the Northern or Hudson's Bay Company first had a station in or near to the Columbia or to any of its Tributary Streams and the proof on which such state-
The first year that any party belonging to the NorthWest Company had a station on or near to the Columbia was in 1806. Harmon, an American by birth who was a clerk in the North- West Company's service and afterwards a partner A.
published a Journal of Voyages and travels commencing April 1800 and ending August 1819 says in page 282 "That the country West of the Rocky Mountains with which I am acquainted has ever since the North-west Company first made an Establishment there, which was in 1806 gone by the name of New Caledonia" and in page 220 he states "Monday April 6th.