April 27th, 1821, Minister Canning reported to Lord 45 Castlereagh, after another interview with Adams.
"Mr. Adams went on to say that he hoped nothing would occur for a long time to weaken those mutual dispositions" between the two nations. from the above, and yet in close connection with it, is a letter from Sir Charles Bagot to Lord Castle46 reigh, dated Washington, March 6th, 1819 "... A small expedition is preparing by the Government, under the command of Major Biddle of the United States army, for the purpose of ascending to the source of the MisThis expedition, which is entirely unconnected souri River. with that of the Yellowstone River, is to be performed by means of a steam boat which is to draw eighteen inches of water only.
reaching the source of the Missouri, Major Biddle hopes
to be able to carry the steam machinery of the boat to the other side of the Rocky Mountains, where he proposes to build
another vessel, in which he will descend the Columbia River to its mouth, where he may expect to meet with the Ontario, sloop-of-war, commanded by his brother. Major Biddle appears to be of the opinion that this expedition will occupy about two years. There can, I think, be little doubt that it is
connected with some proposed establishment at the mouth its object the double purpose
of the Columbia which has for
of securing the fur trade, and promoting the fishery in the South Seas."
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Vol. 158. Vol. 142.
American whale