supplement to the Treaty of Ghent, or by additional articles, and the United States was to be requested to give its Minister in London power to sign such article. And he thought it well to begin on the Coast. Meanwhile the Ontario reached Valparaiso, then blockaded, between January 19th and February 1st, 1818. Commander 34 under date of February 18th, 1818, reported Bowles, "The arrival of the Ontario at Valparaiso caused much specuShe carried out a Mr. Prevost who was said to be high lation. in the confidence of the present President [of the U. S.]. He to went General (Prevost) immediately Santiago, visiting San Martin's quarters on his way." Prevost was to remain in Chili a month or six weeks at She sailed least, while the Ontario was to go to the Columbia. after of in late the Battle had returned immediately Maypie;
Orders from the British Government to the North West Company were received by Commander Bowles, at Rio Janeiro on April 19th, 1818, enclosed from London in a letter of January 27th. The Blossom was to be sent to the 'Columbia. The Blossom reached Valparaiso on 16th of May. On June 1st, Earl Bathurst's orders were sent to Captain Sheriff, the Blos-
som to be detached immediately for service to the Columbia. The Blossom sailed July 12th, under Captain Hickey, some two or three weeks after the Ontario had returned to ValPrevost was fully empowered to receive possession. paraiso. Meanwhile on June 2nd, Sir Charles Bagot wrote to Lord 35 Castlereagh as follows:
Washington, June
"My Lord
2, 1818.
"Upon receipt of your Lordship's despatch No. 7, of the 4th of February last, I immediately communicated to Mr. Adams the acquiesence of His Majesty's Government in the re-occupation, by the United States, of the position held by them upon the Columbia River prior 34 Admiralty :, Vol. 23. 35 F. O. 5, Vol. 132.
to the late war.
I stated