10th, 1855.
Rev. Benjamin M. Hill. Dear Brother:
The church
Oregon City have invited Br. Johnson and them the coming year and agreed and Br. Post $75. Perhaps this on do could the whole. But it falls far short they in
Br. J. D. Post to supply to give Br. Johnson $50 is
the best
Br. Post's time is engrossed in his of meeting our wants. school and the most he can do is to preach half the Sabbaths, attend the weekly prayer meetings and perhaps visit a little
Saturdays in the afternoons.
Br. Johnson will preach half
the Sabbaths, but does not contemplate visiting at all. You will see by this that the church must be greatly neglected I hoped the church would have in the pastoral relations.
chosen some
as their pastor and asked the
sionary Society to help in his support, so that he could give himself to the ministry, or have asked your Board to send
them a minister and
him enter upon the work
as a
do not yet see it so. Perhaps I noticed in the January number of the Home Mission Record a notice of my reappointment. I shall endeavor to
of God.
all is
serve the Board to
for the best.
best ability through the
summer and
at least, my health will permit and God blesses. I have received no letter from you for near three months. fall
364 when wrecked. I Suppose one was lost on the Southerner of the season with the churches coming expect to spend most in the upper part of the valley and in Umpqua and Rogue River valleys and, when in Rogue River Valley, I may cross the Ciscue [Siskiyou] Mountains into Chasty [Shasta] Valley, as it will be but about 25 miles from Rogue River Valley and 125 from the settlement in the Sacramento Valley. A large town called Yreka has sprung up in that valley, in which it is said there are numbers of Baptist members who have had but few Baptist sermons preached to them. Yreka 365 is
364 The steamship "Southerner," Capt. F. A. Sampson, was wrecked on the coast at Cape Flattery, Dec. 26, 1854. Washington shing Oregpnian, Jan. 27, 1855. 365 Yreka sprang up as a result of the mining in Shasta County, California, which began in 1850. diggii _ opened in March, 1851, gave rise to the 1850."" Important diggings town, which was incorporated in 1854. It declined with the mines after 1857. Bancroft, Hist, of Calif., VI: 4P4.