was killed while fighting a forest fire August 20, 1919. The mountain was formerly called Oak Grove Mountain, an unsatisfactory name because there were no oak trees on the mountain, and also the name caused confusion with Oak Grove Butte, seven miles to the south. Oak Grove Mountain had been applied because the feature was near Oak Grove Fork Clackamas River.
MOUNT MORIAH, Union County. This mountain is in township 1 south, range 41 east, and has an elevation of about 5500 feet. It is flat on top. In early days it was called Stubblefield Mountain in compliment to Jasper Stubblefield who had a homestead west of the mountain in about 1878. Later some bible enthusiast named it for the place in Palestine, about which a great deal seems to be unknown.
MOUNT Pisgah, Polk County. J. L. Ford, many years a resident of Dallas, wrote the compiler in August, 1927, as follows: "I find that Colonel Cornelius Gilliam named the little butte southeast of Dallas *Mt. Pisgah' for a butte so named near his old home in Missouri, and, probably also because of his veneration for biblical names." Pisgah was a mountain of Abarim, Moab, northeast of the Dead Sea. Mount Nebo was one of its summits.
MOUNT PLEASANT, Linn County. Mount Pleasant is a descriptive name for a nice viewpoint mostly in section 30, township 9 south, range 1 east. This hill rises about 200 feet above the surrounding land but it pleased the early settlers to call it a mount. The compiler does not know who was responsible for this but probably members of the Irvine family who took up property there in the early fifties. The locality was once known as the Irvine District and it was called The Hill. There is a cemetery on the top of Mount Pleasant and there are also nearby school grounds probably set aside by Robert Irvine. The church property was set aside by Washington Crabtree and it is reported that Ben Irvine raised the money for the various necessary buildings. A post office called Mount Pleasant was established in August, 1874, with Elijah Richardson first of several postmasters. This office was discontinued October 10, 1887. Mount Pleasant is about seven miles northeast of Scio.
MOUNT POPOCATEPETL, Lane County. This mountain, elevation 1020 feet, is a well-known point in the Oregon Coast Range, but not one of the highest. The peak was named about 1888 by R. O. Collier, a government surveyor, because it was so hard to climb. The crew was smoking hot when it reached the top. The original Mount Popocatepetl is the second highest mountain in Mexico and is named with the Aztec word for smoking mountain. This information was furnished by E. A. Collier of Salem.
MOUNT REUBEN, Douglas and Josephine counties. Mount Reuben is a prominent peak about ten miles west of Glendale on the divide between the waters of Cow Creek and those of Rogue River. It was named for Reuben Field of Linn County, who was a member of Captain Jonathan Keeney's company who fought Indians in this part of Oregon in 1855. While the company was trying to cross Rogue River not far from this mountain Field made a jocular prediction that the Indians would make an attack. The prediction was soon fulfilled and Mount Reuben and Reuben Creek nearby have since borne his name.
MOUNT SCOTT, Clackamas County. This well-known butte is in the southeast outskirts of Portland and is 1083 feet above sea level. It was cable tere 10