Moss LAKES, Clackamas County. These two small lakes are be. tween Oregon City and Park Place. They were originally one lake, but have been much reduced in size by draining. They were named for Sidney Walter Moss, who was born in Benton County, Kentucky, March 17, 1810, and who came to Oregon in 1842. He organized the Falls Debating Society at Oregon City in 1843, and built the first hotel in Oregon City in 1844. He also engaged in the merchandise business. He died September 24, 1901, and his biography is in the Oregonian for September 25, 1901, and March 6, 1898, page 19. Moss claimed to have written the original tale of the Prairie Flower, which he gave to William Johnson for publication and which was expanded by Emerson Bennett of Cincinnati. This became a popular sketch of border life. Moss wrote many articles about pioneer life in Oregon. He carried an advertisement in the Oregonian in 1852, of his "Main Street House" at Oregon City, signed by himself and "The Widow," announcing that, "owing to pressing necessities and our cheap rate of fare, we are compelled to say: To all, high or low, Please down with your dust, For he's no friend of ours, That would ask us to trust." "The Widow" was Mrs. Richardson, before she married Moss. For reminiscences of Sidney W. Moss, see the Oregonian, September 29, 1901, Panen Lot MOUNTAIN Marion Co Mother Lope MOUNTAIN, Marion County. This mountain was named for the Mother Lode mine nearby. It is about 12 miles north of Detroit.
MOUND, Lane County. For nearly two decades a post office with the name Mound served an area close to Siuslaw River in western Lane County. The place was about a mile and a half east of Alma, in section 30, township 19 south, range 6 west, Postal records indicate the office was established June 1, 1892, with Joseph B. Beebe first of three postmasters. The office was closed September 30, 1910, and the business turned over to Alma post office, but the name Mound was not changed to Alma as is sometimes reported. Alma post office was already in service in 1910. As a matter of fact Alma post office was established in 1888. In the summer of 1946 P. M. Morse, Lane County engineer, gathered some data about Mound post office from Hazen Johnson, who reported that his grandfather, Bowker Beebe, moved to the Siuslaw Valley from Mound, Nebraska, in 1890, and when the new post office was established, Beebe asked to have it named for his former home, Mound, Nebraska, was an office in Howard County, about twenty miles from Saint Paul. Mr. Johnson reported that Bowker Beebe had formerly been postmaster at Mound, Nebraska. It is probable that Joseph B. Beebe and Bowker Beebe were the same person.
MOUNT ANGEL, Marion County. The community of Mount Angel was named in 1883 by the Reverend Father Adelhelm Odermatt, O.S.B., in compliment to Engelberg, Switzerland. Mount Angel is the anglicized version of the German name Engelberg. Benjamin Cleaver came to Oregon in 1848 and in 1850 settled at the present site of Mount Angel. Some years later he planned a townsite to be named Roy, and his adjoining neighbor, George Settlemier, actually platted a place in 1881 with the name Frankfort. Cleaver bought the Settlemier townsite in 1882 and