Ne to defray the expenses of wchally shipping Instruments direct from the preparatie Yurtlesid and entendre manfartorito meme altered from The Pullman Car Line to Florida, land for the purpose of de New Hampshire to Washington Territory ONLY 3 HOURS FROM CHICAGO TO JACK ting the sandard of common the sense of long ago, well as the of SONVILLE, VIA THE MONON ROUTE Friepal has tur many years practiced the present time, apply here for sew in leading score of the Plorida travel which opens to large number the struments REYKRENCES the water will trip is the one for mig god, practical educa Realth the old late-fields Cimento perparation for an extended sati, mille Nashville, Birmingham, God of which they could not being very few of the hundreds of re. y und Pelving the otherwise the system as follow priblemes we mglit mentine: Tu how have not the mean to se 0. P. Miles, Elijah Beily, Sale odds, including the already cure shedstion whepood minde Hostetter, Rollostetter all of St. Car or on to wish the chi roll, In. and neteptionable character recome med by prof known responsibility to George M. Thummel, Grand Island, DEFUNLAK SPRINGS if stained on personal altance, the Neb To bring to three hundred Principal will open a giving credit A. J. Truer. Pawnee City. Sels. Rev. George Campbell, Colfax, W. T. les sure the level of these daly bills for harding, tuition, etc., the pay Mr. Preston Elder, Boulder Val- twentysiles from the Gulf of Mexico, id bills to be red by a pro in the side of the phe forest, lus laheynotested by the student, if of age ley, Mont. ir Luey Dearborn, Deerfield, X. II. y ade lile giving air am Tour therwise by parents or guardian), and Rev. Joseph Philips Coldwster, Mieht. This is added the best water give loteliable imionet. Notes to be given des tables turing the list of quarterly in advance, come payments iter. War, President Ewing Col Perusty and all of Starb, the must be me dor, cu tine from one to four lege, Bing, III. wings of the LORD OTAQUA year without interest Books and Dr. John H. Dyrne, 921 West Randolph Atly to the statery are cash articles, and must be trert Chicago ratiofiis charming result see that pad for we received. Those who have Hon. William S. Shirk. Sedulis, Sto. our ticket de vie not friends to endorse their notes, but in Dr. J. H. Long, 29 East Brom way, THE SONON ROUTE the respects come fully recommended Ne York City. home enter the Manual Labor De- Min M. A. Currier. Somerville, la partment set forth in other colom. (bar Boston) To further ad Berthor Steam in the elegant the elevation of the Mr. S. B. Powell, Balleton Spa, X. Y. Miss Laura Holland, Carbondale, III. Pullman Palace Sleepers secured on appliches of the state, and especially We might fill pages of the OKEAD with cation by letter or telegram, to any agent in Carroll County, the Principal will give of the holeste. Bare lureked tetor free in the entire Teacher one to names, but forbear inflicting a long list. to ay point in the South. Send me sent from each county in the North Persons wishing to purchase an instrument derive boobs and pamphlets of the west, and to one student from each town woeld do well to write to the above parties principal Winter resorts of the Soul ship in Carroll County, Ill. Students wishe letters of inquiry. We have given names ingin avail themselves of this provision from the Atlantic to the Pacific, which will E O. McCORMICK, General Passenger Art my apply to the School Commissioner of rive some idea of the extent of the noquaint- 183 Darbst, Chags. the county in which they reside, who will ances of oor financial manager, St. Carroll give preference to those giving the greatest Seminary, Carroll County, lil. promise of sefulness. The Commissioner, in making selections will be careful to EXPRES remunend only candidates of irreproach Oar patrons, in looking over the list of able moral rharacter, and of decidedly expere's sometimes make unfair compari- gond, or more than ordinary ability, to the sons with other schools, or with boarding end that the energies of the Institution in a private family. We include a number Cam County, lit., may not be wasted open unworthy or in- of irms in our bill, and hence the figures incorporated in Ista, is in its thirty-ninth torpetent penThe schools of the stone glance seen higher than do those of yrar. It has never employed an agent in people demand the best talent, and the shells institutions Slany, in estimating say way to solicit patronage of funds, highest claracter on the part of those who the expenses of any boarding school, te which is an exception to all other instito aspire to the responsible office of teacher in leet to consider one or two important mat- tons in the country. The help it gives to them. Deficiencies arising from want of ters We do not claim to take the place of edente worthy, talented girls has no qual proper culturan be supplied, but bot sympathetic, judicious mothers, but we do natural talent. Candidates are required to try to exercise care something akin to that TUITION AND Uskor Boots FR, be: 1st, not less than sixteen years of age bestowed upon the young of the home. Given to ne stadent from each township in 20 to produce a certificate of good moral The doing of the many thing that do not conly in the Sarthwest Valuable assist. 3. to board in the Institution under the young ladies will understand, demands gire to its graduate who desire special person of the Principal: 4th great deal of time from somebody. Pupils, positions of whom are ocupying procesaintance, that they deserve in case of sekss are treated by the red plasmon the best in High School the lavors offered. deut physielan, free of charge, unless ent- Seminaries, Academies and College West, THE NORMAL OR TEAC's Co fering from a protracted illness. We are Sarth and South Many are filling very happy and thankful to be able to say with credit places of business trust. Among Is best advertised in the eminent success of that the instances in which the members of the help for wachs preparation, type-writing those who go out from this department. Our family have been ill for any length of talented young woman with goal bat decided preference wherever this Tostite history of the school being so mall that it throgh with small man need despair of tion is known, bence it is an exceptional can be cotated on one's fingers. The i Nornel, Aoudemic College, Mu thing for one of our graduates who desires hygienic regulations are such as to prevent or reduction place to be long without one, the demand sickne, so in general we have a healthy The revices of skilled resident physi- upon us for teachers frequently exceeding family. We have been successful in avoid. can free to students the supply ing the spread of otagious diseases. In THE COLEVATORY OF ME Osets AS CARTAGES the thirty-nine years of the school's history we have never had any such diese spread M. Carroll, Tit., raudomong the best in Are always in attendance at the depot here thaghout our Institution. The experi the catry, while its pret on the arrival of trains. Students are con ence of five years ago illustrates the case in than these advantages in large si ho day or night, on which is slost every family in careity where there dules roda," free, pive particulars my wrive, hence parents may bave no were young person brat we had but one TheTEC POSTS anxiety about their daughters coming here in our minary building. We endeavor to les diligent as possible in using the sun O PER A Affords advantage rarely found in an in- THE PIANO and ORGAN TRADE quire thought, watelfulnes and time itine of the kind. There are many who Continues tourishing. Our financial mans mothers to consider these things as well would gladly maktesching business, grasime tell the best at the member of dollars paid into the school and who, it properly prepared, would be the best posible prices, and is crowded with treasury Mt. Carroll 1 Seminary