To County Superintendents of Schools
SIRS: We invite your attention to our TEACHERS' PROVISION, and ask your co-operation in making it of benefit to the class for which it is designed. We offer TUITION FREE to one teacher from each county, and add to that offer the use of text-books free. We also allow those preparing to teach to give notes (one year with-out interest) for the payment of their expenses, the other half being paid by manual labor or cash while connected with the Seminary. By availing themselves of these opportunities many young ladies of limited means have obtained an education, and have then been able to meet their obligations. Without some such assistance, these young women could not have received what they so much desired and needed. We can not thus assist every one who applies. We wish to aid those who will make the best use of an education, and hence we desire each applicant for free tuition under this provision to obtain a testimonial from the Superintendent of the county in which she resides. We ask Superintendents to recommend only those who will be an honor to the profession of teaching, that we may together help to raise the standard of education. The success with which so many of our pupils have met, encourages us to make the Normal Department a still more prominent feature of the school than in the past. Hoping that the Superintendents addressed will heartily co-operate with us in thus assisting worthy young wo-men and the cause for which together we are laboring, I remain, very truly yours, F. A. W. SHIMER.
We wish to call the attention of students contemplating a college course, to the fact that pupils prepared in the Mt. Carroll Seminary will be received in Vassar College on probation without examination. Such students must present a certificate from the Seminary showing they are endorsed by the Principal and considered properly fitted to enter the Freshman Class of that college. None will receive such certificates unless their scholarship and conduct fully merit recommendation.