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Miss Amata Dunning, class of '93, sends kind words of interest from her home in Spokane, Wash. She is engaged by the Kindergarten Association and is happy in her work. Her sister, Marie, has a private Kindergarten in Spokane.

Mrs. Jennie Mackay Coleman returns from California this summer, and she, with her husband, again enters the college at Wilder, Minn. Miss Sarah Hostetter is to be in charge of the Vocal Department of this institution this coming year.

Miss Helen Cooley, remembered as an enthusiastic teacher of natural sciences at the Seminary some years ago, has just completed her studies at the New York Medical Hospital. Her friends wish her success in her chosen profession.

Words of sympathetic interest come to us from Mrs. Fannie E. Baily of St. Paul. She writes that her daughter, Mrs. Florence Farnsworth has just finished a school year at North Bend, Neb. Mrs. Ada Taylor is living in her home at Creighton, Neb.

Miss Dorothy Topping of the class of '94, has been assistant teacher in the Behr's High School of Music in Kansas City, during the past year. As a means of introduction, she gave a recital in the fall which was noticed by the press with cordial praise.

Mrs. Carrie Howard Woodward has been re-elected "Superintendent of schools," Lake Co., Minn. Her mother is with her still and assists her in home duties which includes the care of a daughter and a young son introduced as "John Paul."

Miss Leonard, in all her good works, has the sympathy and help of her sister Harriet always frail in health, ever kind "Cousin Sarah" and efficient Miss Fisher, who with Miss Leonard, make one of the most charming of households at 153 Washington Street.

"Miss Jennie Robinson, of this city, sang a song, 'The Bob-olink's Decree', which was encored.—Miss Robinson has a voice of rare sweetness and volume; this together with the fact she is a graduate of one of our best conservatories insures for her a brilliant career."

Mrs. Farnesworth writes, "I wish you could see my boy-- my little Elmer. He is only eleven years old and is ready for the high school. My only regret that he is a boy is because I cannot send him to the Mt. Carroll Seminary, Mrs. Shimer would then have had three generations of us."

Mrs. Fannie L. Steele, Denver, Col., says: "I was very much pleased with Myria's progress the year she was with you." The Seminary household was greatly disappointed that Miss Steele (class of '94) could not be at Reunion as was expected. She had been invited to be the piano soloist of the afternoon.

Miss Dox has been appointed recently to speak for Whitman College. She has been sent to Walla Walla to look over Whitman's old tramping ground. After this she expects to spend some time in the cities of the North-west and, also, those down the Pacific coast. All who know her believe she will succeed in this good work.

Miss Adele Randall, also of the class of '94, has been teaching French, in the High School of Lincoln, Neb. This coming year, she will teach both French and German and thus take the place of her mother employed for so many years in this school. Madame Randall was a native of Switzerland, a woman of gifts and culture.

Mrs. E. DeVoe Biggers, of Rochelle, Ill., has written - of Jesse, her two year old boy, and of a visit from Maud Grace Harvey and her two daughters. Mrs. Biggers writes that Mrs. Harvey says that her two daughters are candidates for the Mt. Carroll Seminary and adds we have a tiny candidate at our home, too, who is but three months old.

Mrs. Mary Gross Smith will be remembered by teachers and students of about twenty-five years ago as then one of the faculty. She often sends kind messages to Mt. Carroll Seminary. In a letter received in the winter she writes of her only son, "My boy is on the Glee Club holiday trip in Wisconsin. He is the pianist and second tenor of the club."


Miss Ferrenberg, Miss Miles, and Miss Harvey remain at home in Mt. Carroll.

Misses Waddell and Tapscott remain at the Seminary and all three plan to teach.

The class this year includes representatives from South Dakota, Missouri, Iowa and West Virginia.

Miss Troutfetter declined to accept a situation as teacher in the South and will be at home in McGregor this fall.

Mrs. Alice Ives Breed, Lynn, Mass., president of the North Shore Club, has been traveling extensively in Egypt and has sent bright descriptions of her journeyings in that far away land.

Mr. Wibb Seymour, well known to students of long ago, has passed over to the "great majority " during the past year, and is deeply mourned by a large circle of relatives and friends.

Mrs. Frank was called home a week before Commencement by a message announcing that her husband had received a severe injury. He was found to be better than was feared. Mrs. Frank will continue to teach music in Livermore, Iowa, where she was previous to her studies in Mt. Carroll.

Miss Jessie Ackerman, the world renowned traveler, delivered several lectures in Mt. Carroll this spring, and was a guest at the Seminary part of the time while in the city. Miss Ackerman's charming personality enables her to quickly win friends and she went away with many from among our girls.

Mrs. Lillian Hamblen Garst and the stranger who was given a warm welcome as one of the "brothers-in-law" of the institution, visited the Seminary before going East and delighted the household with music, rare and artistic, and also by their cordial, and sympathetic manner. They are now in Cleveland and expect to go abroad later.

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