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Miss Fourt is in Wauken, Ia.

Miss Bessie Ackley is living in Mountain View, Cal.

Miss Hall will be with near relatives in Elmira, N. Y.

Miss Smith is with her mother at her home in Oneida.

Miss Jeannette Inman is teaching in Emerald Grove, Wis.

Miss Jannette Plambeck is teaching music in Los Angeles, Cal.

Miss Julia Hanson will spend part of the summer at Chautauqua.

Prof. and Mrs. Hazzen will spend the summer at their home in Lynn, Mass.

Miss Eliza James has been teaching during the past year in Delavan, Wis.

James Macethran, here in '62, is connected with James Morgan Co., in Milwaukee.

Mrs. Josephene Claywell Shepler lately visited her mother and sister in Mt. Carroll.

The present address of Mrs. Gertrude Halteman Walsh is 2177 Irving Ave, Chicago.

This coming fall Miss L. Clemmer begins her ninth year as teacher in the Lanark public school.

Miss Grace Baskerville, a former student with us, is one of the teachers in the public schools of Sterling.

[From a report of a Farmer's Institute, in the Battle Creek Moon, published in Battle Creek, Mich.]

Miss L. W. Rundell, has been teaching during the past year in the Leland University, New Orleans, La.

Mrs. Laura Preston Williams, of Rockford, was among the visitors in Mt. Carroll, commencement week.

Miss Ethel Rhodes has been elected to the position of teacher of music in the Liberty College, Glasgow, Ky.

Miss Sherwood was one of the exhibitors in the National Art Exhibition recently held in Cleveland, Ohio.

Mrs. Joe A. Howard, of Pinkneyville, Ill., writes of the coming into her home of Hazel Dink, Sept. 14, '92.

Misses Ferrenberg, Dunshee, Miles and Rosenstock sang at the High School commencement of Milledgeville.

Mr. Hazzen delivered an address before a history club in Chicago Saturday, and spoke Monday to a Kinder.

Miss K. McGrath has been principal of the W. H. Pepper Kindergarten at Petaluma, Cal., during the past year.

Miss Mac Lean, after a short stay in Chicago, will go with her mother and sister back to their home in Nova Scotia.

Miss M. B. Lichty, now of Chicago, gave a reading in Ewing college in connection with the closing exercises of the institution this June.

Miss Laura Holland, music teacher in Carbondale, Ill., writes of meeting Mrs. Libbie Kimball Washburn and grown daughter at their home in Marion, Ill.

Miss Gordon has gone to her home in Connecticut, but later she will join Miss Sherwood, who is to be with Mr. Chase's sketching party on Long Island.

Mrs. Annie B. Mitchell, of Carbondale, Ill., writes of her husband now connected with the First National Bank of that city and of the three children in the home.

The Misses Margaret and Bertha Winters send greetings from Du Quoin, Ill., and say, "We are trying to do our part to make life sweeter and better for all around us."

Jennie Smith, Oskaloosa, Kans., writes : "I hear from the Seminary occasionally and am always glad to know of its prosperity. As yet, I still hope to be within its walls again."

The home of Mrs. Mamie Hersey Burdick is now at Marengo, Ill. Mrs. Burdick has two boys, fifteen and ten years of age. She writes us that Miss Angie Benton is now in Europe.

Miss M. E. Cole writes from Sheffield, Ill., where she is teaching music. She has met Mrs. Franc Belle Clausen, Miss S. E. White, teacher in Neponset and her sister, Nellie, teacher in Buda, Ill.

Miss J. M. Riley, of the class of '92, has been re-elected to the place she has held as teacher this past year, but she has declined the offer that she may enter the Chicago University for special work.

A friend writes of the death of Mrs. Alice Beard Blondel and says: "She was a wife and mother and a useful member of society. Her taking away has cast a gloom over the entire community."

Margaret Fisher Turman, of Terre Haute, Ind., is planning to be with friends in Mt. Carroll, this summer. Mrs. Turman is teacher of drawing and penmanship in a Normal School of Terre Haute.

Miss Clara B. Moore, is at home in Troy, N. Y.-- She sends pleasant letters to her former teachers and school friends in Mt. Carroll.--She has been studying in the Willard Seminary this year.

Mrs. Grace White Mighell writes cheerily from her home in Lake City, Iowa. Of her life work she says, "It seems nothing in comparison with that which many of the girls are doing, but it is my own little corner."

Miss Virginia Dox has been lecturing in Spencer, Iowa. A friend writes of her: "What a wonderful woman she is - She says Dr. and Mrs. Shimer and the Seminary made her, and fitted her for her present responsible duties."

Miss Jessie Pottle, of the class of '92, has been for two years teacher of vocal music in the college at Beaver Dam, Wis. Two cousins of Miss Pottle, bright earnest students, have been members of the Seminary family this year.

Miss Elizabeth Higgins, who was with us last year continuing her preparation for college and studying music, is now making a good record at Wellesley. Mrs. Higgins, who spent the year in Mt. Carroll with her daughter, been often missed as one of the household who was in sympathy, ready in cheer, gracious in recognition of worth, and efficiently helpful.

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