"I wish that I could tell you how much I feel my indebtedness to you for those years of helpfulness spent with you. Life is much better and sweeter to me because of it. I believe I appreciate the noble aims and splendid methods of your work."
MARY VAN VECHTEN PINKNEY. (Class of '82.) Chicago.
"I feel happy in having this opportunity to speak of an institution which I hold in such affection as Mt. Carroll Seminary. The free and delightful intercourse among students and teachers—-making for independence and individuality—-the high art standards that fostered aspiration other than ambition, and, last and chiefly, that deep heart culture that guided us through our searchings among ancient and modern philosophers and poets—the never- failing inspiration of after years—all these are undying memories. May many maidens, in many years, enjoy these privileges! This is the wish of a former student."
ETHEL MAY ROE. (Class of '88.)
Chicago, May 21, 1895.
I said to a friend, recently, "I cannot begin to tell you how much I owe to my Alma Mater, not simply because it is a girl's school, but because it has an atmosphere peculiar to Mt. Carroll Seminary." I have been Connected, as student and teacher, with a number of academic schools, but nowhere have I seen the spirit which pervades this place. .While one finds an unusual ambition prevalent among the girls to prepare for lives of usefulness —careers in the professions, music, art—more than this, there is in the general thought that which develops high ideals, unselfish living, and earnestness of purpose.
With most capable teachers in each department--teachers whose preparation of heart has been equal to their scholarly and artistic attainments, thoughtful students are led to the higher planes, and frivolous girls become earnest women.
"I was so impressed with the measures of instruction, and such a spirit of earnestness prevailed in the school, that the memory of that year's work has never been dimmed by the rushing and turbulent experiences of the years that have since gone by, and I owe much of the success of my life—which, perhaps, has been more than is given to the majority of men—to the strengthening of all that is good in me which I sustained during the formative period of my life."
E. H. PRATT, M.D., LL. D.,
Lincoln Park Sanitarium, Chicago.
"I shall always regard my going to the Seminary as the most important event in my life, and among other things for which I am profoundly grateful to my parents, there is no one thing for which I am more grateful than for their decision to send me to Mt. Carroll Seminary."
Attorney at Law, Chicago.
"I wish to thank you for the facilities for study and the excellent instructors, whose guidance made work a pleasure, and still more earnestly for the atmosphere by which I was surrounded, and for the examples of noble and beautiful womanhood set before me in the lives of principals and teachers. During my later connection with the school as an assistant teacher, your kind thoughtfulness for my welfare and your constant interest in my work merit my gratitude."
MADGE L. MYERS HISLOP. (1884 and 1885)
Class of '84.
Wilmette, Ill
"Mt. Carroll Seminary is a leading school for young ladies, and in nearly every state in the Union may be found noble women who are its graduates. There is a place where intellectual worth is valued above financial, and Mt. Carroll Seminary welcomes only those who seek knowledge in its true sense to aid them in leading lives of usefulness and progress, and who regard virtue as its own reward."
AMATA DUNNING. (Class Of '92.) Spokane, Wash.
"This Seminary stands unrivaled in point of practical work. Its method of instruction requires not alone that its pupils be simply good, but good for something. They are not taught certain rules and formulae that under certain circumstances will produce certain results, but they are given those broad, fundamental principles of life which, under any circumstances, will grapple the materials at hand and transmute them at will into elements of success. There has been scarcely a day in the fourteen years since leaving the Seminary that I have not had new occasion to be grateful for the thorough discipline received during my course of study."
WINONA BRANCH-SAWYER. (Class Of 1871.) Lincoln, Neb.
It will be observed that some of the above quotations are from men. By way of explanation, we would say that the Institution was for both sexes in its earlier days, and that young men were then fitted for college.
It is a pleasure for me to commend the Mt. Carroll Seminary as a school and home, or school-home, for young ladies. The instruction and social life are wholesome and invigorating—a mingling of robustness and refinement. My acquaintance extends over a number of years, both as an observer and a patron.
April 29, 1895. Mt. Carroll, Ill.
Hailey, Idaho, May 7th, 1895.
As a patron of Mt. Carroll Seminary, I take pleasure in saying that I regard this institution as one of the best of its class to be found anywhere in the West. Climate, healthfulness, thoroughness in all its teachings, together with the moral tone by which it is surrounded, make it a most desirable school for the thorough education of young ladies.
Ex-Register U. S. Land Office.
"This is to certify that I have been acquainted with and a patron of Mt. Carroll Seminary, of Mt. Carroll, Ill., for more that twenty-five years. I believe it to be the best school in the West, and can conscientiously recommend it to all having daughters to educate."
Banker, Cedar Rapids, Ia.
Rev. J. A. Smith, D. D., of The Standard, Chicago, says: "We feel warranted in pronouncing this school, for all the highest purposes of education, one of the best in our knowledge. We regard it as unsurpassed in the West, whether as respects the judiciousness of the discipline or the substantial value of the instruction."
A patron of the school writes thus to a friend in announcement of her choice:
"The management of the institution is still in the hands of its projector, Mrs. F. A. W. Shimer, whose work, established more than forty years ago, only increases in wisdom and judgment as the years move on. The Associate Principal, Miss Adelia C. Joy, of twenty-one years' experience, is still the able, efficient assistant of Mrs. Shimer, carrying out all general purposes of the work with great efficiency and Christian grace." C. H.