made an interesting picture when filled with the members of the club and the Seniors who were invited guests.
At the close of the program, Miss MacLean made a few remarks, and then with two helpers quickly brought in ice-cream and cake much to the surprise and delight of all. The social half-hour that followed seemed to awaken in the hearts of all stronger desires than ever for the continued success of the Club.
It is intended that the organization shall live on year after year as an important aid to the class-work in the department of Latin.
The Young Women's Christian Association has passed a pleasant and profitable year, and we trust has been of service, not only to its members, but to all connected with the school.
Organized in January, 1888, it passed its seventh birthday this year, and in no other year of its history as it been so prosperous financially, though in some other respects it has not reached the level of one or two other years in its history. About two-thirds of the membership of the school have been connected with the Association this year. Two attractive receptions were held, one in September and one in January as usual, for the special purpose of welcoming new students, and helping all to become acquainted.
Miss Lynne Waddell represented the Association at the State Convention at Evanston in November, and gave us an inspiring report on her return. These conventions are a means of help and inspiration of which we always try to avail ourselves by sending at least one delegate. Miss Minnie Fourt represented us at the Summer Conference at Lake Geneva last summer, and Miss Lulu Rock is to be our delegate this summer.
Some of the special meetings of the year were the observance of the Day of Prayer for Young Women, in October, when the chapel exercises were in recognition of the day, and two brief addresses were given; the Christmas service held on the last Sunday of the fall term; and the Easter service, at which appropriate music and decorations added to the helpfulness of the meeting conducted by the senior class, and wild flowers with Easter texts and poems made dainty souvenirs for all present.
The monthly missionary meetings for the year were well attended and interesting, and the largest piece of work attempted by the Association was sending a box of toys, stationery, sewing materials and clothing to Miss Lawrence, of Thaton, Burma, for use in her missionary work there. This work was undertaken and carried out by the Association, but all the family and a few outside friends were given an opportunity to help, which nearly every one embraced. The result was that in March we sent a box valued at from thirty-five to forty dollars, with transportation prepaid. When the goods were ready to send, an "Oriental Tea" was given, at which the waiters and participants in the program wore Burmese costumes that would doubtless have been surprises to the natives, could they have seen them.
All the articles to be sent were displayed about the room, and a short program on Burma was given. Then, after the serving of tea and wafers, all were given an opportunity to help pack the box. A committee who had packed it before took charge of the work, that it might be "scientifically" done, and when the work was over, all those who had been engaged in the work of preparation and packing felt well repaid for their efforts. We hope that the contents will be as helpful to those who receive them as their preparation was to the senders.
Plans will be made this summer, we hope, for more extensive work next year, that the Association may become more and more a power for good to all connected with the Seminary, and that its influence may not be confined here, but may go out into the world about us.
President - Florence Bastian.
Vice President - Catharine Mastin.
Secretary - - Chloe Baker.
Librarian - Louise Baker.
Treasurer Mamie Tapscott.
President - - Louise Baker.
Vice President Besse Hutchinson.
Secretary - Lulu Rock.
Librarian - Ada Buttz.
Treasurer Catharine Mastin.
The work done by the Oread Society during the past school year has been both pleasant and instructive, and the programmes of the regular meetings have been well carried out.
Some of the most pleasing features of the year's work have been poems, book reviews and original stories. The most interesting of the last mentioned has been "Transformations," a story of art life in New York, written by Mary Clare Sherwood.
At various times in the year the Society has enjoyed short lectures given by Prof. Hazzen, of which