< Page:One Hundred English Folksongs (1916).djvu
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Collected and arranged by


\relative c' {
\new Staff {
\key g \major
\partial 4
 d g b a g fis e d a' b4. a8 b4 c d2. d4 a a d c8 (b) a4 a c b8 (a) g4 b a g
\time 2/4
\time 4/4
g2 d4. d8
\addlyrics {
It's of a pre -- tty shep -- herd -- ess, Kept sheep all on the plain; Who should ride by but_ Knight Wil -- liam And_ he was drunk with wine. Line, twine, the
\addlyrics {
sto -- len all my heart, young sir, Your -- self you are to blame; So if your vows are_ made in truth, Pray_ tell to me your name. Line, twine, the
\addlyrics {
some do call me Jack, he said, And some do call me john; But when I'm in the_ fair king's court My__ name is Sweet Wil -- liam. Line, twine, the
\addlyrics {
mount -- ed on his milk -- white steed And a -- way then he did ride;  She tied a hand -- ker -- chief round her waist And__rode by the hor -- se's side. Line, twine, the
    \new PianoStaff <<
    \new Staff {
    \key g \major
        r4 r8 b (d g) r8 c d e fis,4 g a r4 <g d>4.\>\(<fis d>8 <g d>4 <c g>\)\!

    \new Staff {
    \clef "bass"
    \key g \major
        d,, (g,2) a4\(b8 c d4 e fis\) d <g b>4. <a fis>8 <g b>4 <c e,> <a d,>2. r4

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