The Reasonable Press
and a suspicion of jobbery might arise after they were filled. Surely it is better to leave things as they are.
The Opposition Paper: Lobby Notes
Really the Government Press seems determined to misrepresent last Friday's incident! Mr. Talma has already explained that his allusion to cripples was purely metaphorical and in no way intended for Mr. Couthon, for whom, like everyone in the House, he has the highest respect.
The Government Paper: Lobby Notes
Last Friday's incident is happily over. Mr. Talma has assured Mr. Couthon that he used the word "cripple" in a sense quite different from that in which that highly-deservedly popular gentleman unfortunately took it.
Social and Personal
The Marquis de Misenscene is leaving Paris tonight for Baden Baden. His Lordship intends to travel in the simplest fashion and hopes his incognito may be preserved
Mr. Couthon, the deservedly popular M.P., made a pathetic sight yesterday at Mr. Robespierre's party in the Tuileries Gardens. As most people know, the honourable gentleman has lost the use of his lower