Oliver Twist.
own showing, you see he has been the companion of thieves for some time past; he has been carried to a police-office on a charge of picking a gentleman's pocket, and is taken away forcibly from that gentleman's house to a place which he cannot describe or point out, and of the situation of which he has not the remotest idea. He is brought down to Chertsey by men who seem to have taken a violent fancy to him, whether he will or no, and put through a window to rob a house, and then, just at the very moment when he is going to alarm the inmates, and so do the very thing that would set him all to rights, there rushes into the way that blundering dog of a half-bred butler, and shoots him, as if on purpose to prevent his doing any good for himself. Don't you see all this?"
"I see it, of course," replied Rose, smiling at the doctor's impetuosity; "but still I do not see any thing in it to criminate the poor child."
"No," replied the doctor; "of course not! Bless the bright eyes of your sex! They never see, whether for good or had, more than one