Oliver Twist.
"He looks as if he was a-going, miss," bawled Brittles, in the same manner as before. "Wouldn't you like to come and look at him, miss, in case he should—?"
"Hush, pray, there's a good man!" rejoined the young lady. "Wait quietly one instant while I speak to aunt."
With a footstep as soft and gentle as the voice, the speaker tripped away, and soon returned with the direction that the wounded person was to be carried carefully up stairs to Mr. Giles's room, and that Brittles was to saddle the pony and betake himself instantly to Chertsey, from which place he was to despatch with all speed a constable and doctor.
"But won't you take one look at him, first, miss?" asked Mr. Giles, with as much pride as if Oliver were some bird of rare plumage that he had skilfully brought down. "Not one little peep, miss?"
"Not now for the world," replied the young lady. "Poor fellow! oh! treat him kindly, Giles, if it is only for my sake!"
The old servant looked up at the speaker,