verify every return personally. Are you going to the Ekaterinhov to-day?"
"No, for I am not very well," replied Oblomov, knitting his brows. "Moreover, like yourself, I have some work to do."
"I am very sorry," said Sudbinski; "for it is a fine day, and the only day on which I myself can hope for a little rest."
"And what news have you?" asked Oblomov.
"Oh, a good deal—of a sort. We are required no longer to write at the end of our official letters 'Your humble servant,' but merely 'Accept the assurance of my profound respect.' Also we have been told that we are to cease to make out formal documents in duplicate. Likewise, our office has just been allotted three new tables and a couple of confidential clerks. Lastly, the Commission has now concluded its sittings. There's a budget of news for you!"
"And what of our old comrades?"
"Nothing at present, except that Svinkin has lost his case."
"And to think that you work from eight to twelve, and from twelve to five, and again in the evening! Dear, dear!"
"Well, what should I do if I were not in the Service?" asked Sudbinski.