Holy Thursday. Four Stanzas. Head-piece, a female figure discovering a dead child. On the right-hand margin a mother and two children lamenting the loss of an infant which lies beneath. Perhaps this is one of the most tasteful of the set.
The Chimney-Sweeper. Three Stanzas. Beneath, a figure of one walking in snow towards an open door.
London. Four Stanzas. Above, a child leading an old man through the street; on the right-hand, a figure warming itself at a fire. If in any instance Mr. Blake has copied himself, it is in the figure of the old man upon this plate, whose position appears to have been a favourite one with him.
The Tiger. Six Stanzas. On the right-hand margin, the trunk of a tree; and beneath, a tiger walking.
A Little Boy Lost. Six Stanzas. Ivy leaves on the right-hand, and beneath, weeping figures before a fire, in which the verses state that the child had been burned by a Saint.
The Human Abstract. Six Stanzas. The trunk of a tree on the right-hand margin, and beneath, an old man in white drawing a veil over his head.
The Angel. Four Stanzas. Head-piece, a female figure lying beneath a tree, and pushing from her a winged boy.
My Pretty Rose Tree. Two Stanzas: succeeded by a small vignette, of a figure weeping, and another lying reclined at the foot of a tree. Beneath, are two verses more, entitled. Ah! Sun Flower; and a single Stanza, headed The Lilly.
Nurses Song. Two Stanzas. Beneath, a girl with a youth and a female child at a door surrounded by vine-leaves.
A Little Girl Lost. Seven Stanzas; interspersed with birds and leaves, the trunk of a tree on the right-hand margin.
The whole of these plates are coloured in imitation of fresco. The poetry of these songs is wild, irregular, and