Poole. The whole of the working-expenses of this elegant tripod-cup and wreath, (weighing nearly four hundred ounces of silver, in value ahout three hundred guineas,) were liberally presented by Messrs. Rundell and Bridge as their subscription.
The cup not being finished, the drawing and cast were produced, by Mr. Mathews and Mr. Rae, at the Freemasons' Tavern, on June 27th, 1817, the day Mr. Kemble attended his Farewell-dinner, which was graced by the presence of twenty-two Noblemen, nine Members of the Royal Academy, William Locke, Samuel Rogers, and other eminent and highly talented characters.
Mr. Flaxman, after receiving the highest encomiums upon so classic and elegant a design, in returning thanks, kept gradually walking up to the noble President, and, when he had finished his address, returned to his seat, filled his glass, with which he again advanced to the noble Lord, and drank to the whole company for the honour they had done him in drinking his health. The address of Mr. Flaxman to Lord Holland was, like most of his speeches, short and nervous. He declared that the merit of the design was highly increased by the name of the man whose memory the cup was to per-