St Paul's Cathedral, which was the first monument permitted to be raised in that stupendous fabric. He also executed a statue of Howard the Philanthropist, in the same Church; a monument to the memory of Sterne's Eliza in Bristol Cathedral; one in Salisbury Cathedral to the memory of James Harris, the author of "Hermes," which consists of a figure of Moral Philosophy contemplating a medallion portrait; a statue of Judge Blackstone, for All Souls College, Oxford; a bust of Milton, erected against a column on the north side of St. Giles's, Cripplegate; a statue of Lord Rodney, erected at Kingston, Jamaica; a statue of Lord Cornwallis for India, sent thither after the Sculptor's death; a design for the monument of Captain Duff, to be erected in St Paul's Cathedral; a memorial in honour of the late Marquis Cornwallis, by public subscription at Bombay; a group in honour of the most noble Marquess Wellesley, to be erected at Calcutta, by order of the British inhabitants of that place; a design for the statue, &c. in honour of the same nobleman, to be erected at Bombay, by order of the British inhabitants; and a monument of Lord Lavington, (late) Governor of the Leeward Islands, voted by the Council and Assembly of Antigua.