Charles, a highly-talented Sculptor, has, in his studio in the New Road, some fragments of Locatelli's models, which exhibit very little merit, particularly the portions of a small one of Lord Orford's group, above mentioned.
Robert Adam, the Architect, who occasionally gave Locatelli commissions, among other things employed him to execute a chimneypiece for Harewood House in Yorkshire.
In August 1780, Mr. Nollekens was advised to go to Harrowgate for the benefit of his health; in consequence of which, Mr. Rossi informs me, he carved, under the direction of his master, Locatelli, the basso-relievos, put up by Nollekens, on the outside of the Sessions-house on Clerkenwell Green.
Locatelli, in 1796, left England for Milan, where Buonaparte not only patronized him, but granted him a pension for life. Of his death, Mr. Rossi, my principal informant, is at present ignorant.