"Under Socrates,—'Who, innocent in the midst of a most corrupted people; the encourager of the good; a worshipper of the one God; from useless speculations, and vain disputes, restored philosophy to the duties of life, and the benefit of society.—The wisest of men.'
"Under Homer,—'The first and greatest of poets; the herald of virtue, the giver of immortality; who, by his divine genius, known to all nations, incites all nobly to dare, and firmly to suffer.'
Under Epaminondas,—'By whose valour, prudence, and modesty, the Theban commonwealth gained liberty and empire, military discipline, civil and domestic policy; all which, by losing him, she lost.'
"In the front of the pediment of the Temple of Concord and Victory, is a piece of alto-relievo by Scheemakers, representing the four quarters of the world, bringing their various products to Britannia.
"In the Temple of British Worthies are fourteen busts with English inscriptions under them. I cannot find the name of Scheemakers upon any of them, nor can I ascertain whether they are really by him, or not; though, judging from the style of them, I think it most probable. I will add the inscriptions, some of which are interesting.
"'Alexander Pope,—Who, uniting the correctness of judgment to the fire of genius, by the melody and power of his numbers, gave sweetness to sense, and grace to philosophy: he employed the pointed brilliancy of wit to chasten the vices, and the eloquence of poetry to exalt the virtues, of human nature, and, being without a rival in his own age, imitated,