"Sister-in-law to be turned out of home unless you come to rescue immediately."
"Sounds as though you meant your own sister-in-law,"
commented Laurie. "That's not bad,
"Sounds all right to me," said Ned. "Let's hear yours."
"Is Miss Comfort being evicted from house by your
order? Public opinion in arms. Answer."
"Huh," said Ned, "public opinion can't be 'in
arms,' you silly chump."
"That's only two words less than mine," said Bob.
"Well, we'll see if we can't get it into ten," replied Laurie untroubledly. "Now then!" He took up his pencil again. "We might say 'Comfort' instead of 'Miss Comfort,' but it doesn't sound quite respectful."
"Leave out 'from house,' "suggested Bob. "He will understand that she isn't being evicted from the stable!"
"That's so! 'Is Miss Comfort being evicted