*thing about pitching you can practise from now
"But I do know, I tell you. All I need is practice. I've got a book that tells—"
"Book be blowed!" exploded Laurie. "You can't learn pitching by taking a correspondence-course, you fat-head!"
"Quit your arguing, you two," said Ned. "Laurie's quite right, Kewpie. He can't recommend you to Mr. Mulford until you've got more to show than you've shown just now. But I don't see what's to prevent you from learning more tricks or what's to prevent Laurie from helping you if he can. Seems to me the thing to do is for you two to get together every day for a while." Ned was looking meaningly at his brother. "Maybe Kewpie's got it in him, Laurie. You can't tell yet, eh?"
"Eh? Oh, no, I suppose not. No, you can't tell. Maybe with practice—"
"Right-o," agreed Ned. "That's it; practice, Kewpie. Now you and Laurie fix it up between you to get together for half an hour every morning, savvy? Maybe after a week or so—"