spoiled. Farview got the first of her runners to
third, but he finally died there when Captain Dave dived to the base-line and scooped up a ball that was on its way to deep left.
For Hillman's the last of the seventh made good its reputation. It was the lucky seventh, and no mistake about it. Luck put Cooper on first when Luders slanted a slow curve against his ribs, and luck decreed that the red-legged short-stop should drop the ball a minute later when Cooper took advantage of Jones's slam to third. Perhaps luck had something to do with the pass handed to Pope, too, but it certainly didn't altogether govern Captain Dave's second long hit that sent in Cooper and Jones and put Hillman's in a veritable seventh heaven—I almost wrote "inning"—of delight!
That hit ended Luders's usefulness. He issued another pass, got himself into a hole with Frank Brattle, and was derricked, a sandy-haired youth named Clay succeeding him. Clay disposed of Brattle very neatly, Murdock flied out to shortstop, and again Laurie failed to deliver the hit that was, he felt certain, somewhere inside him. Laurie brought the lucky seventh to a close by