*folded it in a far more capacious one. "And
this is my brother Ned." Mr. Goupil then shook hands with the amazed Ned. After that they all sat down. Mr. Goupil arranged stick and hat with precision, cleared his throat, and began:
"My dear sister-in-law has told me of your most kind efforts in her behalf, and I have presented myself to make explanation and to add my expressions of gratitude." Mr. Goupil spoke rather deliberately and seemed to choose his words with care. "That your telegram received no response is a matter of extreme regret. Yet, when I inform you that it never reached me, you will, of a certainty, exonerate me from discourtesy, Mr. Laurie."
"Why, surely," agreed Laurie eagerly. "We had already found out that the telegram was delivered to the wrong person, sir."
"Ah! Is it so? But doubtless!" Mr. Goupil paused and nodded several times. "Allow me, please, the explanation of certain ever-to-be-regretted circumstances. You must know, then, that after the death of my excellent and never-to-be-forgotten wife I was plunged in sorrow. You,