point just under his left eye, and told himself that
the summons was explained. He was, though, still wondering why Ned had been included in the party when the Doctor spoke.
"Laurence," he asked, "how did you come by that contusion?"
Laurie hesitated, then answered, "I was having a—a little bout with one of the fellows and he struck me, sir."
"Who was the boy?"
"Thurston, sir."
"Have you witnesses to prove that?"
"Yes, sir, several fellows were there. Pat—I mean Patton Browne, and Proudtree and—"
"When did it take place, this—ah—bout?"
"Yesterday afternoon, about half-past five."
The Doctor mused a minute. Then, "Which of you boys entered your room by the window last night at about a quarter before twelve o'clock?" he asked. The question was so unexpected that Laurie's mouth fell open widely. Then, as neither boy answered, the Doctor continued: "Was it you, Laurence?"
"N-no, sir!" blurted Laurie.
Then, ere the words were well out, he wished