Monday morning and recitations once more.
Monday afternoon and baseball practice again. Things went well on the field, for the candidates for the team had returned with renewed ambitions. Besides, there was a game with Benson High School two days later, and that was something to work for. Laurie managed to hit the ball on the nose every time he stood at the batting-net, and later on, in the five-inning practice game, he caught for an inning and, so far as he could discern, didn't do so badly.
Back in No. 16 at half-past five, he found Kewpie awaiting him, Kewpie looking disheveled, weary, but triumphant. "I've got it!" he announced excitedly before Laurie was well through the door. "I've got the hang of it at last! That guy's a corker, Nod, and he says I'll know as much about it as he does in another month!"
"Restrain your enthusiasm, Kewpie," urged Laurie. "No use telling the whole dormitory about it. These walls aren't awfully thick, and I can hear Elk tramping around up-stairs like a hippopotamus right now." But Laurie looked very much pleased and settled himself to hear Kewpie's gladsome tidings. And when Ned came