"That's so." The tall youth's smile broadened
to normal. "All right. When you want I should do it?"
"Pronto," said Laurie. "Right off. How much will you charge for the job?"
Young Mr. Wilkins viewed them swiftly and shrewdly. "Oh, it ain't worth more 'n five dollars, I guess," he answered carelessly.
"I'll say it isn't!" exclaimed Bob. "Listen, please. We're not selling you the boat. All we want is a tow."
The other laughed merrily. "I wouldn't give you five dollars for her, feller. Well, how much do you want to pay?"
Oddly, perhaps, they hadn't considered the question before. But Laurie answered quite promptly, "Two dollars."
"All right," was the equally prompt reply. "Jump in!"
Two minutes later the launch was chugging out into the stream, Laurie and Bob huddled in the stern seat, with the water rippling past a scant four inches below the gunwale. The craft was rather an amazing affair, being not more than fourteen feet in length and apparently built