"No, but even if Miss Comfort lived in the boat,
Nod, it would be just as much in the way, wouldn't it?" Bob looked puzzled.
"No, because it wouldn't be there any longer. We'd have it hauled out of their dock and taken to a place I found the other side of town, up-river. Know where Ash Street comes out down there? Well, about two blocks beyond that. We'd draw the boat up close to the bank, make her fast, and build a sort of bridge to the deck. Some of that stuff in your yard will come in very handy."
"Why, that would be perfect!" declared Polly. "I didn't want to mention it, Laurie, but I was dreadfully afraid that Miss Comfort wouldn't want to live down there by the quarry, with the dynamite shooting off and all those rough-looking men about!"
"Sounds as if the young fellow's scheme might have something in it after all," allowed Ned. "Just the same, I'll bet the quarry folks won't give up the boat unless some one pays them for storage or whatever it's called."
"I'm not so sure," said Bob. "Dad's company is a pretty good customer just now, and if dad will talk with the head of the firm—"