missed the path above the big fern-clad rock near
the summit and gone wandering off into the brush all by himself until called back by the others. Ned observed him pityingly as he sheepishly rejoined them.
"We'll have to hold you when we get to the top," said Ned crushingly. "If we don't you'll probably walk right over the edge! What in the world's got into you?"
"Nothing," answered Laurie, an absent expression possessing his features again. "What are you stopping here for?"
"Well, there is something," said Ned accusingly, "and I know what it is. You've got some crazy idea in your bean." He turned to Polly. "He's always like that when he thinks he's discovered something big, like perpetual motion or—or how to make a million dollars. We'll have to watch him until he recovers, or he will do himself harm. You go first, Bob, and I'll keep an eye on him."
The rest of the climb was accomplished without further incident, and they at last emerged in a small cleared space at the top of the hill. I don't mean cleared in the sense of free from rubbish,