by your order? Public opinion—er—'"
"'Against it,'" offered Ned.
"'Opposed,'" said Bob.
"I've got it!" exclaimed Laurie, erasing and starting a new draft. "How's this? 'Have you authorized eviction aged sister-in-law? Orstead indignant. Answer immediately.' That ought to fetch him! Only ten words, too!"
"How about sister-in-law?" asked Bob. "Will they call it one word or three?"
"One, of course. Or 'aged relative' might do just as well. 'Orstead indignant' will give him a jolt, I'll bet!"
"What are you going to sign it?" asked Ned anxiously.
Laurie hadn't thought of that. Bob suggested "Friend," but Ned reminded him that if they expected to get a reply they'd have to give more of an address than that. Laurie took a deep breath and leaped the Rubicon. He signed "Laurence S. Turner" boldly and drew a heavy mark under it for emphasis. Ned shook his head doubtfully, but Bob was thrilled.
"He will probably think you're one of the town's leading citizens," he chuckled.