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(medicine-man), 373; Milky Way, 432; burial, 465; Burbung ceremony, 583-8; messenger, 687; message-stick, 693; food rules, 764; camping rules, 776; Diagram XIII., Wiradjuri marriages and descents, 209

Wirrarap, see Kulin; see Wurunjerri

Wives, exchange of, by Wiimbaio, 195; Narrang-ga, 260; Kurnai, 266

Woeworung tribes, 53, 71; class system, 127

Wolgal tribe, 77-8; class system, 102; marriages, 197; betrothal, 197-8; elopement, 198; Headman, 302; tribal government, 302; Bukin (medicine-man), 373; burial, 461-2; Kuringal ceremonies, 563-5; gesture language, 729-30, 733, 734-5; food rules, 764; camping rules, 776

Wollaroi tribe, 57-8; classes and totems, 108; betrothal, 217; elopement, 217; remarriage of widow, 217; messenger, 688

Wonghibon tribe, 50, 56; class system, 108; marriage rules, 213-16; Burbung ceremonies, 588

Wonkamnla murdus, 95; Wapiya legend, 791-4

Wonkanguru tribe, murdus, 92; legend of the Yuri-ulu, 783-5

Wotjo nation, punishment of offences, 246-7; Headmen, 304; mortuary totems and burial, 453-5

Wotjobaluk tribe, 52, 54-5; class system, 121; marriage rules, 241, 243; marriage ceremony, 245; elopement, 245-7; punishment for unlawful marriages, 246; female captives, 247-8; cannibalism, 247, 749, 751; remarriage of widows, 248; tribal government, 304; tribal council, 324; "pointing the bone," 361; roasting the guliwil, 363-5; Bangal (medicine-man), 365, 393, 404, 412; use of human fat, 368-9; beliefas to falling star, 369; vengeance party, 370; evil magic, 371; rain-makers, 398; burial, 452-3; legendary beings, 484-5; the tribal All-father, 489-90, 491; Ganitch ceremonies, 615; messengers, 690; message-stick, 695-9; method of enumeration, 697-8; barter, 717; infanticide, 749; food rules, 764; prohibited food, 769; ball-playing, 770; Diagram XXII., Wotjobaluk marriages and descents, 242

Wudthaurung, 70; stealing stone from quarry, 340; punishment of offences, 340; evil magic, 366; method of enumeration, 702; infanticide, 750; cannibalism, 752

Wurunjerri tribe, 53, 71; class system, 126; local distribution of Bunjil and Waang, 127; sons of Bunjil, 128; marriages and descents, 253; betrothal, 253; elopement, 254; female captives, 256; widow, 257; Headman, 307; tribal government, 307-11; punishment of offences, 336-40; Narrang, 356; evil magic by projectile, 365-6; Wirrarap (medicine- man), 365-6, 380, 387, 412; fat-taking, 373; food-supply charm, 400; Bunjil and Waang sticks, 401; burial, 458; legendary beings, 484-5; Jibauk ceremonies, 610-12; message-stick, 700; method of enumeration, 701-2; messenger, 702; gesture language, 727-35; nose-p)erforation, 741; food rules, 765-6; customs of, 767; ball-plaiying, 770; fire drill, 771; camping rules, 775-6; Diagram XXIII., Wurunjerri marriages and descents, 253

Ya-itma-thang tribe, 77-8; elopement, 196; female combat, 197; feud, 374; burial, 461; initiation ceremonies, 565-6; see Omeo tribe; see Theddora

Yakunbura tribe, message-stick, 709

Yankibura tribe, 64

Yantruwunta tribe, 48; Kamiri, 92; Headmen, 299; food-supply ceremony, see Dieri; cannibalism, 449, 751; messengers, 685; red-ochre expedition, 713; sandstone expedition, 713; barter for shields, 714; gesture language, 728-34; legend of Anti-etya and Ngardu-etya, Parts I. and II., 794-6

Yaurorka tribe, Kamiri, 95; tribal government, 300; Headmen, 300; food-supply ceremony, see Dieri; messenger, 684; cannibalism, 780-1; circumcision legend, 785-7; legend of Tayi-tam-pana, 802-3

Yelyuyendi tribe, food-supply ceremony, see Dieri

Yenda-karangu tribe, murdus, 93; marriage rules, 187-8

Yerkla-mining, 65; totems, 129; betrothal and marriage, 257-8; Headmen, 313; Mobungbai (medicine-man), 313; disposal of dead, 450; legendary beings, 484; initiation ceremonies, 664-7; cicatrices, 744-6; infanticide, 748; food rules, 761-2; hunting and weapons, 761

Yetti-maralla tribe, 61

Yoohlang ceremonies, see Port Jackson tribes

Yualaroi tribe, 57; burial, 467; message-stick, 694; prohibited food, 769

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